Absolute Threshold — Chapter 82. Another Man’s Name
Translator: Atlas
Weekly Chapter 2/3
Her b#tt#cks were sw#nging wildly. They looked like beasts. This looked like her true personality, her body eng#ged in a fight with him.
Although she shook her head because she didn’t like it. Her eyes watered. She grabbed his neck again like a person holding the reins.
“You can do anything you want.”
He sp#nk#d her like a whip. Yoongyo’s voice became sweeter than usual. He also had behaviors as sweet as a peach. She fell in love every time she saw his hidden face. She decided to hide this fact.
When he moved his p#lv#s in a c#rcul#r m#ti#n, his m#nh#od rubbed her m#st s#ns#tive ar#as. She felt so many emotions that she was br#athless.
The hospital bed was not so sturdy. The steel creaked. She tilted her h#ad b#ck b#cause she cl#m#xed. But the situation was not over.
“You drove me crazy, but you’re not sane either.”
He gazed contentedly at Jumi’s growing belly. His p#n#tr#tion became de#per. She was still sh#king from her pr#vious #rg#sm, she couldn’t even open her eyes.
“A pregnant woman eng#ging in int#m#te act#viti#s in a hospital room.”
But his comment didn’t stop his l#st. Yoongyo wr#pped his arms ar#und her so that she couldn’t pull back even a little. No matter if someone entered the room intending to cut his throat, he wouldn’t cease his actions.
He wanted to kiss her lips, but he decided to let her do everything today.
Jumi cried out in pleasure. She trembled when she cl#m#x#d, when his f#ngers st#m#lat#d her n#ppl#s, when he car#ssed her neck, when he gently r#bbed her ankles, but especially when he whispered. She was sensitive to his voice.
“You’re adorable.”
His m#nh#od, which had b#bb#d energetically in s#nc with her h#p m#vem#nts, began to p#lse from b#se to gl#ns. A wh#te l#quid appeared.
Their two different worlds merged into one. They b#th cl#m#x#d at the same time. His th#ck s#m#n m#ngled with her ar#us#l fl#ids.
His hospital gown was soiled. When the w#apon that p#n#trat#d her fell, she lost her strength. He held her as she collapsed on his chest.
Her eyes were m#ist from the cl#m#x. They needed int#nse s#x. Otherwise, Jumi would be bored with her lonely life. Two opposite people had met, there was no way their relationship would have been normal.
“He left?”
“You dare mention another man’s name with my s#m#n ins#d#?”
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